Google Drive
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Google Drive allows live collaboration on documents, presentations and spreadsheets. This is where we store all euforia documents, whether they are work-in-progress or finalized.
There are two ways of using google drive:
Connecting via the internet
Once you open the drive this screen will appear. The euforia folder will be under "Shared with me". You can copy & paste the folder into "My drive" to have it on your gdrive home page and for it to be syncronised to your hard disk (in case you will have downloaded the drive on your device >> see point 2).
2. Downloading it on your computer / tablet / smartphone
Go to think link and download it on your device. More info on how to install the drive & sync files at this link.
The good about downloading the drive is that you can access it even when you are offline. The bad about it is that when you modify documents on your laptop while offline you need make sure to synchronise it with the web version as soon as you're online again. If you do not do so, your modifications won't be visible on the web version.
If you still don't get how the drive works watch this intro to the gdrive.
The drive is structured into 3 main folders: experiences, opportunities, heartbeat. It is for you of no need to know ALL of the folders and files (it is way beyond human capabilities ;)). The easiest is to get acquainted with the folders and files you will use the most with your integration coach.
Make sure the title of the document recalls the content of the document
Choose a title for the document, add a date after it (format DD.MM.YYYY) and the language (FR,EN,DE in case you have different versions in the same language). Ex. Projects Guidelines_10.10.2017_FR
It is easy to share a file or folder with anyone. To share a file just click on "share" in the upper right corner of a document. You can decide if you only want the receiver to "view" or "modify" or "comment". It is exactly the same to share a folder.
Certain folders are shared only with staff, certain folders are shared only with volunteers, certain folders are shared with partners etc. When you share a folder or file make sure the content is appropriate for the person/people you are sharing it with.
You can always check who the folder is shared with when you click on "Share"
There are several ways to find a document
A name search in the "Search drive" tab (recommended if you know more or less what the name is
By adding a "star" on your favorite, most used and most important files. This will enable you to find them in the "starred" folder in. the gdrive homepage (our favorite tips of all times!
By searching by circle and then folders and subfolders (recommended only once you know the folders a bit better!)
Keep the folder as clean as possible, create an archive folder to store outdated versions.
Create a subfolder only if necessary and desirable for making it easier (instead of more complicated...)
You will get access at your introduction session with the HR Procedure Role. The Integration Coach will help you navigate the folder directly related to your job.
When you connect to your gmail address click on the cube on the right corner of your screen as below. Several options will appear. Click on the "Drive" icon to access the euforia GDrive.